My Journey to Antidepressants While Breastfeeding

By Tara Charne I remember sitting across from Dr. Catherine Birndorf, as her office was still being furnished. I was the second round of women to enter The Motherhood Center, a support center for new and expecting moms in Manhattan. I was very tired, and very skinny. I had lost a tremendous amount of weight, […]

Mandy Major’s Mission is to Normalize Doulas

As women and mothers, we often overlook the value of support. Our society is set up to teach you how to read, write, and do math. But it seems as though life lessons must always be learned on our own. That’s where doulas come in.  November is Family Caregivers Month and we felt this was […]

Nutrient Deficiencies in Pregnancy

As a registered dietitian working in a OB practice, I see countless women during their pregnancies referred to me for various nutrient deficiencies that arise during the nine months.

A Single Dad

I never planned on being single dad…I never asked to be a single dad. I was thrown into it suddenly on July 30…

Rethinking Food

To tell you the truth, during the course of writing and thinking about writing this, I have many times wished that I had chosen a less loaded topic!

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