A Sober Pregnancy Part Three

It’s hard to believe I reconciled this self defeating strategy. I was married now and for the first time had something I really cared about that I didn’t want to lose.

My Journey to Antidepressants While Breastfeeding

By Tara Charne I remember sitting across from Dr. Catherine Birndorf, as her office was still being furnished. I was the second round of women to enter The Motherhood Center, a support center for new and expecting moms in Manhattan. I was very tired, and very skinny. I had lost a tremendous amount of weight, […]

A Sober Pregnancy – Part I

“It takes what it takes,” they like to say in the rooms of recovery, a place I never thought I would find myself about half way through my first trimester.

A Sober Pregnancy – Part II

It’s hard to believe I reconciled this self defeating strategy. I was married now and for the first time had something I really cared about that I didn’t want to lose.

A Sober Pregnancy – Part III

It’s hard to believe I reconciled this self defeating strategy. I was married now and for the first time had something I really cared about that I didn’t want to lose.

Rethinking Food

To tell you the truth, during the course of writing and thinking about writing this, I have many times wished that I had chosen a less loaded topic!